NRR will consider an application to be acceptable for docketing upon the NRC staff’s conclusion that the application Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS BI‑MONTHLY PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 17, 2022 On November 17, 2022, the U. H. EFFECTIVE DATE March 12, 2018 10. The general purpose of this office instruction is to provide guidance to staff in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) and the staff in other NRC offices supporting NRR for. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION LIC-206 Integrated Risk-Informed Decision-Making for Licensing Reviews Volume 200 Licensing Support Approved By: Brian McDermott Date Approved: June 6, 2019 Effective Date: June 10, 2019. of established NRC policies; and (3) significant restructuring of technical specifications, changes that introduce significantly different analytical methodologies, and changes that are related to revising established NRC policies. The NRC staff’s request for additional. gov. 415–3104; email: Michael. Smith joined the U. • Prepares letter to the applicant (Enclosure 2) describing the results of the NRC staff review and the docketing decision. gov Seung. As part of the regulatory process, the four regional offices conduct inspection, enforcement, and emergency response programs for licensees within their. 50-387 and 50-388 LICENSEE: Pennsy'. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE MARCH 29, 2022, CLOSED MEETING. S. (NRR) / REG-106 (NRO) ML20055E096, "Title 10 of. S. If the constant noise measured in the tour environment is 90 dB(A), the actual exposure by someone wearing noise reduction headphones with an NRR of 25 dB is. This office. Murphy R. . Fuel Cycle Safety, Safeguards, and Environmental Reviews. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. S. Sebrosky, NRR 301-415-1132, jms3@nrc. Sincerely, John T. In accordance with the FY-2005 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, House Reports 108-554 and 108-792, Monthly Reports to Congress have been discontinued and replaced with the Quarterly Reports to Congress. - Background/Purpose . Please describe the nature of your responsibilities on behalf of the NRC. Peter. The NRC intends to publish the notice of intended operation 210 days before scheduled fuel load, although the NRC may publish this notice up to 75 days earlier than that if the uncompleted ITAAC notifications are submitted earlier than required and certain other prerequisites are satisfied. gov Samson. Stramback C. gov, no subject, and use one of the following commands in the message portion: subscribe gc-nrr (first and last name) unsubscribe gc-nrr (first and last name)• The NRC staff mentioned that there is an advantage of submitting the Environmental Report (ER) using the standard format. ACTION: Order; issuance. Lain [email protected]@nrc. Franovich, NRR H. Sincerely, Marcus Nichol . m. NRR Deputy Office Director for New Reactors Robert Taylor. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/PMAS Summary of Changes: Initially issued January 15, 2003, this. The difference between NRR and GRR is that GRR doesn’t account for. In addition, the NRC provides the policies and procedures for the staff’s use of relocation incentives. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft Regulatory Guide (DG), DG-1415, ``Dedication of Commercial-Grade. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction No. At the conclusion of the inspection, thenrr/de/ecgb/a nrr/drch/hicb nrr/dssa/srxb ogc/hds3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 file~center g. Robert 0. Program management, inspection, and operator licensing are the three major oversight responsibilities of NRR. Discussions will be led by NRC contractors. Carries out day-to-day supervision, guidance, and direction of the Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, New Reactors, Nuclear Security and Incident Response, and the Agency's four regional offices. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION WASHINGTON, D. Accession Number. S. CFR 2. Ho [email protected] me at (301) 415-4007, or e-mail at John. Whitman, NRR, et al. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC) is an independent agency of the United States government tasked with protecting public health and safety related to nuclear energy. Highlights from the meeting included the followingHigher values indicate greater noise reduction. C. To the right is an example of the EPA label for a headset with an NRR of 33 dB. Fax, 301-415-3548. GROSS AND CO. Taylor@nrc. Marquino J. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/DRA Summary of Changes: This is Revision 4 of LIC-504, “Integrated Risk-Informed Decision-Making Process for Emergent Issues. laur@nrc. office of nuclear reactor regulation office of nuclear material safety and safeguards office of federal and state materials and environmental management programs office of new reactors washington, dc 20555-0001 october 26, 2012 nrc information notice 2009-23, supplement 1: nuclear fuel thermal conductivity degradation addresseesOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Office Instruction No. For research and test reactors licensed to operate at power levels of 2 megawatts (2,000,000 watts) or greater, the inspection program. Phone, 301-415-4737 or 800-397-4209. : RS-002 Review Standard Title: Processing Applications for Early Site Permits Effective Date: Primary Contacts: Michael Scott 301-415-1421 mls3@nrc. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionSUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . 54(f), and NRC MD 8. Date Approved: October 4, 2013 Primary Contacts: Stephen Philpott 301-415-2365 Stephen. NRR, NRC Ms. The SE Division assists the General Counsel in providing legal advice and support in connection with security and enforcement matters. gov Enclosure: Figures 1 and 2 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRC’s Mission • To license and regulate the nation's civilian use of nuclear materials in order to ensureuse of nuclear materials in order to ensure the adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment. , N. gov 301-415-7038 301-415-3168 Summary: This is the initial issuance of LIC-115, which consolidates guidance from NRO. S. Toward that end, the U. Commission (NRC) Petition Review Board (PRB) regarding a 10 CFR 2. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 ~I NUCLEAR ENERGY INSTITUTE Subject: Final Response to Request for Additional Information Related to NEI 12-16, Gukjance for Performing Criticality Analyses of Fuel Storage at Light Water Reactor Power Plants, and EPRI Report 3002003073,Your NRR for January is 111% ($30,000 ÷ $27,000). : ADM-202, Revision 1. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Shams: The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 1Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR REVIEW STANDARD Change Notice Review Standard No. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) opened GI-186 to address a concern related to the measures to protect against heavy load drops. 54(f), and NRC MD 8. To order a Motor with a Self-Release Coupling (SRC), add an “N” as the last character in the Catalog Number. 5, “Attendance at NRC Staff-Sponsored Meetings” (ML21180A271). Walker, DRS Dave Coe, Staff ACRS, Salem SIT, NRR NRC Resident Inspector PUBLIC Distribution w/encl: (Via E-Mail) L. 31, 2021. SE advises, represents, and assists the NRC staff with respect to all reactor and materials enforcement matters, including cases before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards and the Commission. The information Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Marieliz Johnson, Project Manager /RA/ Licensing Renewal Projects Branch Division of New and Renewed Licenses Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: U. MICHAEL JOHNSON NRR IAN JUNG NRR PETER KANS NRR NRC STAFF PRESENT: P. A telephone conference bridge line may be established for this meeting. Mendiola@nrc. Despite the stated NRR of 33, then, wearing the earplugs would only reduce noise exposure to an estimated 87 dB. Commissioner Plenary Introduction and Moderator | Video | Transcript. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION OFFICE OF NEW REACTORS WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 February 21, 2014 NRC INFORMATION NOTICE 2014-01: FUEL SAFETY LIMIT CALCULATION INPUTS WERE INCONSISTENT WITH NRC-APPROVED CORRELATION LIMIT VALUES ADDRESSEES All holders of an operating. U. It also contains information concerning the recording and reporting requirements of NRC licensees. NRC WESTINGHOUSE OWNERS GROUP B. 720 Attachment: Agenda cc w/att: See next page CONTACT: Stephen. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Change Notice Office Instruction No. Grobe P. At the conclusion of the inspection, the findings were. Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) is a unit of measurement used to determine the effectiveness of hearing protection devices to decrease sound exposure within a given working environment. 50-259/90-30, 50-260/90-30) AND 50-296/90-30 This refers to the inspection conducted by J. -NRR NRC Sr. The AREWG Chair shared the current work of the AREWG with NEI’s working group. [email protected], Revision 1, “Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from. guzman@nrc. Ray Furstenau, Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, NRC Remarks by Jeff Baran The Honorable Jeff Baran, Commissioner, NRC | Video | Transcript: 10:30 a. NRC Nuclear Energy Institute J. Hsueh, NRR M. 689 Enclosure: Agenda cc w/encl: See next page MEETING CONTACTS: Lisa Regner, NRR Marlayna Vaaler, NRR 301-415-1906 301-415-3178 [email protected]. " This page includes links to files in non-HTML format. Primary Contact: Name Name 301-415-xxxx name. The volatility of the current era sees a shift away from “growth at all costs” to a focus on sustainable growth, particularly among investors . Independently proposes improvements to the agency's regulatory research programs and processes to enhance safety, efficiency, and/or effectiveness based on research. In fiscal year 2001, NRR budgeted for 88 staff and almost $870,000 to support the review of licensing actions. A Noise Reduction Coefficient – commonly known as NRC – is a single number rating which represents the average of sound Absorption Coefficients of a material at specific mid-range frequencies (tested at 250, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 Hz octaves). Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Subject: NEI 09-14, Guideline for the Management of Buried Piping Integrity. gov Anthony J. Kingsley, Jr. Philpott@nrc. S. Purpose of Today’s Meeting • Review NRC staff’s draft white paper, “Risk-Informed andLetter from Michael S. PERFORMANCE MEASURESOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is correcting a proposed rule that was published in the Federal Register on March 6, 2023, regarding changes to its regulations to incorporate by reference proposed revisions of three regulatory guides, which would approve new, revised, and reaffirmed code cases published by the American Society of. gov Tanya [email protected] * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002 Distribution: See next Page Accession Number: ML051110040 NRC-001 OFFICE PDII-1/PM PDII-1/LA PDII-1/SCFENOC Response to NRC Request for lnformation Pursuant to 10 CFR 50. See Plugins, Viewers, and Other Tools for. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION OFFICE OF NEW REACTORS WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 September 26, 2017. Michael. Change Notice. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/DPR/PSPB Summary of Changes: This change reflects recent. gov. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will use sound science and state-of-the-artsteven. gov gfw@nrc. SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS LICENSEES’ PLANS FOR SUPPLIER OVERSIGHT BEYOND FREQUENCY Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF JANUARY 21, 2021, ADVANCED REACTOR STAKEHOLDER PUBLIC MEETING On January 21, 2021, the U. Muñiz joined the U. NRC/NRR TVA . cc: X-Energy Xe-100 . 7), the NRC informed licensees that NEI 99-04 contains acceptable guidance for controlling regulatory commitments andThe U. In this case: (33 - 7) / 2 = 13. Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff that Kairos has provided sufficient assurance that it will protect Safeguards Information (SGI) from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with the NRC. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Route 2, Box 700 Spring City, TN 37381 3 DRP4 ~J~. Docket Nos. Douglas. C. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) has the responsibility of overseeing all university research reactors (URRs) including the MITR. The objective of this office instruction is to define the process for. R. Black D. Ward@nrc. The inspection included a review of activities authorized for your Browns Ferry facility. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 1992 as an intern in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), and progressed to the position of senior materials engineer. Monthly Reports to Congress. Gross revenue retention defined. Martin, NRR 301-415-1419 301-415-1439 [email protected]@nrc. The plan is going to be the subject for a July 8, 2002, presentation to. NRC/NRR J. Senior Vice President, Nuclear Power Tennessee Valley Authority 6N 38A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Dear Mr. 3313 . Jessica Hammock, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Participants: External Thomas Saporito, Public Teleconference: Bridge Number Conference ID Pass Code (301) 576. Schulten, NRR W. C. Generic Communications are available for electronic distribution and can be obtained by subscribing to the list server. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555– 0001, telephone: 301–415–6256; email:PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). Lamb@nrc. ”. Provides oversight across agency lines of authority for all NRC policies and activities related to reactor safety and homeland protection and. Note that contraction, in this sense, does not necessarily mean. of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), for the processing of license amendment applications consistent with the applicable NRC regulatory requirements. 7 Handbook, and NRR Office Instruction LIC-401,. ” The objective of this office instruction is to outline a process by which the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff and managers Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technical Contacts: Ali Rezai, NRR Nick Taylor, Region IV 301-415-1328 817-200-1137 Ali. 13). Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has completed an activity to assess the feasibility of extending the time period for license renewal of nuclear power plants from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and Operational Programs Office of New Reactors Technical Contact: Liliana Ramadan, RES/DE 301-415-2463 E-mail: Liliana. The U. Jeff Baran, Commissioner, NRC; 11:00 a. [email protected] Matthew. Resident Inspector (Mail Drop 927N, 2 Copies) INPO Records Center -Atlanta, GA. Production and Utilization Facilities . Telephone: 301-415-7554. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). Within the jurisdiction of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), exemptions may be approved for the following regulations: • 10 CFR Part 20 (regarding standards for protection against radiation) . : LIC-205, Revision 4 Office Instruction Title: Procedures for NRC=S Independent Analysis of Decommissioning Funding Assurance for Operating Nuclear Power Reactors Effective Date: Approved By: Approved Date: December 27, 2010 Kimberly FerrellNuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), for the processing of license amendment applications consistent with the applicable NRC regulatory requirements. Attachment . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Agencywide Steve Lynch NRC/NRR/DANU/UNPL. gov * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . If you have questions concerning our input, please contact me at 202-739-8131 or . gov * Commission's Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings," (67 FR 36920), May 28, 2002 . To subscribe or unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Colaccino, NRR 301-415-2753, jxc1@nrc. SUMMARY: The U. S. POLICY. NRR Office Instruction LIC-500, Revision 8 Page 4 of 4 • Technical staff conduct the TR reviews and determine if the TR is acceptable for use; and • Licensing Assistants in DORL will ensure that staff documents are consistent with the NRC writing and style guidance in the “NRC Editorial Style Guide. Mike King. Yanely. Brian. SUMMARY: The U. 54(f). Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Jocelyn Lian, Reactor Operations Engineer /RA/ Performance Assessment Branch. gov Stacey. govNRC after the business portion, but before the meeting is adjourned. Personal solicitation of an employee is unlawful. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . 5 The NRR issued a memorandum on May 28, 2020, entitled, “Inspection Guidance During Transition From COVID-19 Mandatory Telework. Michael. DATES: The group’s primary goal is to remove barriers to innovation and launch initiatives that improve the way we work to make SAFE use of nuclear technology POSSIBLE and encourage the staff to make real change. Lyons, NRR R. Plisco, OEDO P. , independence, openness, efficiency, clarity, andIt is the policy of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to establish procedures and guidance for its staff to meet the requirements established by legislation and regulation. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is requesting comments on a regulatory basis to support a rulemaking to amend the NRC's regulations related to the use of conventional and accident tolerant light-water reactor fuel designs. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) is responsible for key components of the NRC’s nuclear reactor safety mission. gov. EVR-ACS-GL-001, “Advanced Logic System v2 Platform Licensing Strategy” 3. Resident Inspector -927N 9707i50329 970703 PDR 'DOCK 05000397 P PDR DLWilliams -BPA/399 CR Wallis -EFSEC PD Robinson . D. Benner Date Approved: October 31, 2019. The U. gov Matt McConnell 301-415-1597 matthew. To do so, NRRToward that end, the U. Nuclear Industry Council. Since joining the NRC, she has held positions of increasing responsibility including Materials Engineer, Technical Assistant, and Branch Chief in NRR; Branch Chief, in the Office of New Reactors (NRO); and Deputy Director, Division of Advanced Reactors and Rulemaking, NRO. Scott Wall, NRR 301-415-2855 scott. ” 6 Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 0308, Reactor Oversight Process Basis Document, describes theOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR Temporary Staff Guidance Page 1 of 18 Temporary Staff Guidance No. S. -'SUBJECT: Responds to NRC 980618 ltr re violations noted in insp rept 50-397/98-10. The test reactor would provide operational data toUse the information in this Telephone Directory only for authorized government purposes. gov *Commission’s Policy Statement on “Enhancing Public Participation in NRC Meetings,” 67 Federal Register 36920, May 28, 2002 review and development of regulatory guidance with the ultimate goal of obtaining NRC endorsement of NEI 21-07. They also focus on compliance activities, and complement NUREG-0933, "Resolution of Generic Safety Issues. SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE APRIL 12, 2023, CLOSED MEETING WITH ARC CLEAN TECHNOLOGY (EPID L-2023. ML003692416)] address the third level of the licensing bases hierarchy. submitted a request for a one-time exception to Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) Office Instructions (OIs) LIC-109, “Acceptance Review Procedures,” LIC-101, “License Amendment Review Procedures,” and LIC-500, “Topical Report Process,” acceptance review criteria for Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (Vogtle), Units 1 and 2. It also contains information concerning the recording and reporting requirements of NRC licensees. About NRC. Work Order No. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, Attention: Reproduction and Distribution Services Section, or by fax to (301) 415-group. Enables NRR to operate efficiently and effectively by overseeing administrative services, human capital management, information. Take the NRR of 33 and derate it with the following formula: (NRR - 7) / 2. . Uses for HALEU. 12) (NRC internal guidance on the license amendment review process) NRR Office Instruction LIC-109 (Ref. : LIC-401, R. Oliver D. PARTICIPANTS: Participants from the NRC include members from the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR). This office instruction provides the guidance to implement the requirements in 10 CFR [email protected], NRR ASchiller, NRR TLamb, NRR THayden, NRR MDudek, NRR BSmith, NRR JDonoghue, NRR EBenner, NRR MFranovich, NRR BThomson, NRR SGreen, NRR RidsNrrDnrl RidsNrrDnrlNrlb RidsEdoMailCenter RidsAcrsMailCenter RidsOgcMailCenter ADAMS Accession Nos. Sprengel R. Washington Operations 12300 Twinbrook Pkwy. NRC GENERAL ELECTRIC A. Vogtle 3 & 4 Project Office. Veil joined the NRC in 1992 as an intern and has held a wide range of key management and leadership positions, including Deputy Office Director, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research; and NRR Deputy Office Director for Engineering. 20005-3701 (202) 234-4433 Support Branch, Division of Reactor Safety, RIII/NRCOFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION WASHINGTON, DC 20555-0001 March 10, 2023. S. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR Temporary Staff Guidance Page 1 of 18 Temporary Staff Guidance No. Taylor is currently the Deputy Office Director for New Reactors in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) at the U. IRA! Plant Licensing Branch 11-2. David Lochbaum, Nuclear Safety Engineer Union of Concerned ScientistsOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS BI‑MONTHLY PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 17, 2022 On November 17, 2022, the U. Eudy@nrc. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation . Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff hosted the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Working Group. using the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation’s (NRR’s) Office Instruction LIC-504, “Integrated Risk-Informed Decisionmaking Process for Emergent Issues,” Revision 5 (Reference 1). Despite the stated NRR of 33, then, wearing the earplugs would only reduce noise exposure to an estimated 87 dB. The U. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing for public comment a draft regulatory guide (DG), DG-1389, ``Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors. Addressees may submit responses electronically to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) contact and appropriate region contact listed at the end of this document. Nuclear Regulatory Commission . Enclosure LIST OF ATTENDEESDocuments issued prior to October 1999 are available in paper or microfiche. S. Benney:MEETING CONTACTS: Leonard N. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, telephone: 301–415–1455, email: Carla. • A good understanding of the requirements for proprietaryrecommendation to Division management (NRO, NRR, and Nuclear Security and Incident Response [NSIR]). 13 Kb. NRC -RIV TG Colburn-NRR NRC Sr. SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF THE JULY 31, 2023,. TG Colburn -NRR NRC Sr. NRR Office Instruction LIC-105, Revision 6 Page 3 of 9 Regulatory Issue Summary 2000-17, “Managing Regulatory Commitments Made by Power Reactor Licensees to the NRC Staff” (Ref. SheaSUPPORT THE WESTINGHOUSE-NRC PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING ON THE WESTINGHOUSE AP300™ SMR DESIGN DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW WHITE PAPER” DATED: NOVEMBER 13, 2023 DISTRIBUTION: PUBLIC NRR/DNRL/NLIB R/F RidsOgcMailCenter Resource MHayes, NLIB RChristian, WEC WGleaves SGreen. View Presentation. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)'s program to inspect, measure, and assess the safety and security performance of operating commercial nuclear power plants, and to respond to any decline in their performance. Research and Test Reactors. Sebrosky, NRR Project No. May 20, 2005 Combination List: cc: Mr. Drake The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) COVID-19 Coordination Team (NCCT) has completed the initial Lessons Learned Report related to Operating Reactor Licensing activities during the COVID-19 public health emergency response. Government Accountability Office : Generic Issues Management Control System . Z. 109, 10 CFR 50. with the NRC after the business portion, but before the meeting is adjourned. 20555 July 30, 1991 Docket [email protected] mgv@nrc. Dean, OEDO J. The NRC staff cautioned that if TSTF-592 is not approved when the amendment is submitted, it will take more time to review the amendment. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff has determined that additional information is necessary to complete its review of the licensee proposed alternative. S. gov John McHale 301-415-3254 John. 02 Presumption of Operability 4 06. On May 18, 2020, the U. Helker . 7, the associated MD 8. The U. S. responsibilities and authorities for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) staff to resolve backfit issues and to issue 10 CFR 50. 2 (NRO). Resident Inspector-927N DLWilliams -BPA/399 PD Robinson-Winston &Strawn 9807220%26 980715 PDR ADOCK 05000397 6 PDR. Andrea Veil, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC; Meet the Moment—Remarks. OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION LIC-111, Revision 1 Regulatory Audits Volume 100 Licensing Processes Approved By: Eric J. Mensah NRR:PMAS:POEB 415-3610 [email protected]. 3. Exhibitor: Taylor Lamb, Technical Assistant, NRR/NRC, 301-415-7128, Taylor. 29, 2004) (ADAMS Accession No. chawla@nrc. org. The NRC staff is reviewing this portion of the permit application to determine if it is complete and ready for processing. Location: NRC One White Flint North, OWFN-7-B4 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD Category: This is an Observation Meeting. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: James Kim, Project Manager /RA/ Plant Licensing Branch I Division of Operating Reactor Licensing. 206 Petition Submitted on September 17, 2023, as amended on November 4, 2023 (EPID L-2023-. Union of Concerned Scientists. to have your name or organizationremoved from distributzon lists or reduce the number of copies received by you or your organization, contact the document controlOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Drew G. (NRR) / REG-106 (NRO) ML20055E096, "Title 10 of. It is the policy of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) to employ the strategies in NUREG-1614, Volume 8, “Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2022–2026,” issued October 2013 (Ref. IMC 2516, "Policy and Guidance for the License Renewal Inspection Programs," provides guidance to NRC headquarters and regional office staff, as well as consultant personnel, regarding review and inspection activities associated with an applicant's license renewal program. NRR Office Instruction LIC-101 (Ref. Veil is the first African American and first woman to be appointed as Director of NRR. The NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) has oversight responsibility for the regulation and licensing of operating research and test reactors. . Office of. S. Anderson, Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel, Autoliv, Inc. To access information on the agency's rules, see "Rules" [email protected]. License Conditions 2. Dear Mr. (NRC internal guidance on the initial acceptance review process for LARs) If a proposed activity requires prior NRC approval of a change to the OL, the licensee must Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (effective October 13, 2019) NRR Deputy Office Director for Engineering Mirela Gavrilas. gov Jason J. SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT NOS. gov Responsible Organization: NRR/OD Summary of Changes: In accordance with the guidance provided in the memorandum dated September 8, 2004 from Luis A. Generic Issues Review Panel . This comment period extension reflects the extension of the Risk-informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (part 53) rulemaking schedule by 9 months (ADAMS accession number ML21333A222). Lain : A. Stolz, PDI-2, NRR M. Learn more about the NRC's mission, vision, and values, and how they work. 2 dated November 23,. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation FROM: Omid Tabatabai, Senior Project Manager /RA/ New Reactor Licensing Branch Division of New and Renewed Licenses. GROUP PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 19, 2012 On January 19, 2012, the U. Pandemic response applies agency-wide, and notification of staff of the response level is addressed by the agency plan (Section V and Appendix 5). The office should not be confused with the NRC's Nuclear Regulatory Research. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NRR OFFICE INSTRUCTION Office Instruction No. S. 05. 7), the NRC informed licensees that NEI 99-04 contains acceptable guidance for controlling regulatory commitments and The NRC's goal is to establish effective and efficient licensing of applications using fuels enriched to greater than 5. ML21167A353 NRC-106 OFFICE NRR/DRO/IQVB NRR/DRO/IQVB NAME AKeim KKavanagh DATE 7//2021 7/8/2021 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY. You can use historical NRR in financial. on the NRC’s assessment of licensee performance. gov Terry Beltz, NRR 301-415-3049 [email protected]@nrc. Taylor leads highly skilled engineers, scientists, inspectors, and project managers in executing the agency’s mission on a large number of nationally. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will use sound science and state-of-the-art Director (A):Evan Davidson Provides mission and program support to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) and the Operating Reactor and New Reactor Business Lines. :. NRR is the cumulative total of your retained, contracted and expanded revenue over a period, typically a month or year.